This photograph was sent in by Arnold Nyburg, who was at Harrow County from 1918 to 1926.
Back Row (L-R): J. Stevenson, L. J. Davies, Henderson, Wilkins, C. Oakes
Middle Row: D. G. Marsh, E. Spearman, E. Welch, Davies, Arnold G. Nyberg, L. Comfort, S. Haddon
Front Row: S. Crafter, Mr. D. G. Woodhall, R. Graeme, Mr. Randall Williams (Headmaster), E. T. Vincent, Mr. Alec Amos, J. W. Taylor
Colin St. Clare Oakes won the 'Prix de Rome' for architecture in 1931. He was the architect of the War Memorial in Singapore.
Arnold Nyburg was awarded the first Distinguished Service Cross in the Normandy invasion, Second World War.