Harrow County School for Boys

Swimming Squad, 1959

(This photograph was supplied by Michael Dover. Identifications from Michael Dover and Peter Fowler.)

Back Row (L-R):  X, X, Graham McFadyen?*, X, X

Middle Row:  X, X, Ian Isherwood, Maine, Robert (Bob) Anderson, Chris Stott**, X, Ian Suatt

Front Row (seated):  Caine, Milton brother, Milton brother, Mr Don Kincaid, David Drinkwater, D. Wood (Woody), Michael Dover, Thorn

*Michael Dover writes:  "I think the 3rd from the left is Graham McFadyen. This was a tragedy because somewhere around 1961 there was an accident where a Lorry ran into a group of HCS pupils walking to the Northwick Park Sports Ground and Graham was killed."

**Peter Fowler writes:  "To add to the tragedy of Graham McFadyen (sp?): Chris Stott was killed in a bizarre road accident in the 1970s...I think he was knocked off his bike. He'd just heard that his first book had been accepted for publication.

"Those who knew Chris may also remember his friend Rod Addington, another sports star. Addington, too, was killed in a road accident, in France, again in the 1970s.

"As those of us from the time remember, the pair of them were great guys...and some of us, friends of them in the last years of school and in the years afterwards, still miss them."

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