Harrow County School for Boys

Scholarship VIth Science 1962.  This Photograph was contributed by Bob Lucas.  The names were identified by Bob Lucas and Roger Bowen.

Back Row (L-R):  Udall,  Holland,  A T Kasriel,  P Deason,  Rattenbury,  T A Backer,  Basting,  M J Pringle

Middle Row: Sanderson,  Pearson,  Dimmock,  Deall,  B C Ingall,  P Ward,  Dolling,  E G Webb,  T W Lake,  Westerman

Front Row: R W Tabb,  P R Burdon  R W May,  Hutton, Mr Wright,  R C Lucas,  B Shane,  B Tremlett,  R Bowen

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