Form 4B 1956
1. Definite identifications by Ian Wallace and David Golby:
(Back Row) Deeds, X, South, X, X, Mock, Ian Wallace, X, X, X
(Centre Row) X, Clifford, Woodward, Malcolm Everson, Selby, Michael Mills, Hooker, Bates, David Golby, Bruce Dixon, X, X, Andrew Marshall, ?Betts, X
(Front Row) X, Pearce, X, William Baker (Mike Axford?), Keith Rawes, Mr Merkin, 'Jo' Wade, Hewlitt, Chris Grubb, Robin Withers, Michael Courtness
2. Names written on the back of the photograph:
(Back Row) Deeds, Woods, South, Jensen, Mock, Palmer, Lofthouse, Wallace, Robinson, White
(Centre Row) Woodward, Clifford, Everson, Marshall, Mills, Hooker, Bates, Golby, Dixon, Brown, Hymers, Martin J, Martin B, Turner, Betts
(Front Row) Pearce, Simm, Baker, Rawes, Wade, Mr Merkin, Hewlitt, Grubb, Withers, Courtness
(These names are slightly mixed up, and therefore any confirmation would be welcomed by Alex Bateman. One name from the front row is missing)