Harrow County School for Boys

Athletics Team, Summer 1945

(Identifications below by Geoff 'Tom' Taylor, Brian Hester and Stanley Weary)

Back Row (L to R): X, X, Eugene E Stiles, Robert J. Clare, X, Rex L. Wood, J. Kirby. Brian Joynes

Third Row:  Jim FitzGibbon (a-40), Addison, Ian Charlton (a-39), Tobert, David Aspinall (1941), Geoff Holdsworth (c-39), X, B Wood, Gren  Evans, Carlton James

Second Row (seated on chairs): Phil Rushton, Wilson (long throw with cricket ball, and threw discuss), Pete D. Bellamy (a-39), Mr. Parkinson, Mr. Randall Williams (Headmaster), Mr. Robinson, Kitson, Ken A. Blackburn (a-39), Ken Groves

Front Row (on the ground): X, X, X, Eric Heslop, X, Micky? Peat

This photograph came from the School Archives via Alex Bateman


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