Harrow County School for Boys

Advanced Sixth 2 - December 1975
Photograph contributed by Richard Fletcher.  Identifications by Richard Fletcher and Steve Cox.

Back Row L to R:  Cooper, A Yarrow, N Craik, David Owen, C Silverman

Upper middle:   N Coulsden, Richard Fletcher, S Rigby, D Higgins, Simon "Mouth" Palmer, R Symonds, D Thomas

Lower middle:   Simon Cawley, J Shemtob, Jonathan Cohen, Steve "Pillar Box" Cox, D Zeitlin, R Farrow, Michael "Joe" Irwin, G Hearst

Front:  N Cray, M Gray, ?, A Foulds, Mike Rees, L Ashong, K Thorn 


Sadly, Michael Irwin died in 1996 on his 39th birthday.


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